12 Unique Chair That Will Blow Your Mind!

Sunday, August 30, 2015 1 Comments A+ a-

History of Chair
The chair is one of the oldest furniture in the community. The new seat is commonly used in the 17th century. Prior to the seats, people usually only use a wooden crate or a large piece of wood as a seat. These objects are very large and heavy that it is difficult to be moved. Therefore, humans began to think to create an object that is more efficient and ultimately created a chair.

At the beginning of seats created, chair used as a symbol of power and dignity as happened in Egypt and the ancient Greek society. Seats for the king usually made of expensive materials, whether it's ebony, ivory. Sometimes also made of gilded wood carved and brightly painted, then wrapped expensive cloth or animal skin. Toe chair legs are usually made of similar animals, complete with claws or nails.

Okay enough of history lesson, it is the time we see pictures of 12 unique chair that currently exist in the real world.

1. Tentacle Chair

2. Defying Gravity Broken Chair

3. Pencil Chair

4. Fish Chair

5. Millipede Chair 

6. Trolley Chair

7. Coffee Chair

8. Bloom Chair

9. Bathtub Chair

10. Splash Chair

11. Skull Chair with Moving Jaw

12. Puzzle Chair

How is it? Me personally like no 2. the broken defying gravity chair. it's just cool to see such a chair that is broken but could stand still. I don't know how they did it but must be either optical illusion or magnetism. I hope they will sell it to the market cos I want to put that one in my living room. lol. Yeah that's all. What about you? Which one impress you the most?


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