Funny Organizational Structure of Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Oracle and Amazon! [PIC]

Wednesday, January 25, 2012 0 Comments A+ a-

So there is one funny organizational chart for technology companies that I'd bonkersworld found from would like to share about.

This chart is drawn up with understanding and perception from outsiders at how this each company operate.
Let's discuss one by one, let me start from the fenomenal one:

Apple is one man company
Just look Apple's organizational chart! It is a centralized operation, similar to authoritarian rule type and the reason the chart is drawn so because we are pretty sure all the design, product until the detailed one should be approved by Steve Jobs.

Facebook is following its social graph structure
I am pretty sure, it is drawn so because of its renowned social graph structure.

Google is on a triumvirate command
Yeah Google is ruled by triumvirate! Who's the hell didn't know the Google's triumvirate? Larry Page, Sergey Brin and Eric Schmidt are the guys who's at top level management and take decisions.

Microsoft competing and killing each other internally
Microsoft naturally has different department of their own for managing their different product. While from the chart we can see Microsoft has many department which they're competing each other as well as killing each other. However it seems true, if you've ever read on How Microsoft kill its own Tablet.

Oracle using the power of Law
From the chart we can see that Oracle have each of their department a legal people or we can say lawyer. Perhaps their motive is to acquire new companies or sue other companies.

Amazon is structured company
Amazon's organizational structured is so structure similar to those traditional companies in 20th century. Perhaps this is one of the reason why we see few innovations come from Amazon.

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