12 Creative Bed Sheet You Have Never Seen! [PICS]

Sunday, November 27, 2011 1 Comments A+ a-

Are you the person who hate generality? Are you the person who demand some creativeness or uniqueness? These 12 creative bed sheet & blanket design may get your taste right. Let's see it dude.

1. CSI Blanket
"Police Line Do Not Cross" Bed Sheet reminds me to the TV Series CSI :) yep, there is such Bed Sheet.

2. Sexy Couple Blanket
It looks vulgar but well suited for couple :D

3. Gender Symbol Blanket
Inspired from Toilet Symbol I guess huh? Quite creative...

4. Rise and Sigh Bed Sheet
Rise and Sigh Bed Sheet will leave imprints on your body if you're into this text.

5. Radio Alarm Clock Bed Sheet
Yeah it's Radio Alarm Bed! Looks like fiction, huh? I guess Radio Alarm integrated Bed is designed for those people who are alarm clock dependent, typical city white collar worker.

6. Everything Will be Ok Blanket
The phrase "Everything will be Ok" looks like giving a positive vibe pyschologically in a bed room. It is good for a conflicting couple

7. Sleepless Blanket
Are you a book worm or just a person who often get hard in getting into deep sleep, just grab this Sleepless blanket and read it a while, fortunately it will give you a sleepy mood. This creative Sleepless Blanket is a project from a collaboration between Great Eastern Hotel and 14 Students from Royal College of Art. Anyway this blanket has some classic Bedtime Stories :)

8. iPod Touch Bed Sheet
Are you Apple Fan Boy? If yes, You should buy this iPod Touch Bed Sheet :D

9. Karmasheetra Bed Sheet
Kamasutra! Nope it's not kamasutra, it's Karmasheetra - a bed sheet. Indeed it is related to the fenomenal book kamasutra :D It show you different position of kamasutra, pink for woman while blue for man.

10. Twister Bed Sheet
Twister - the game. Yeah, certainly there is a bed sheet for such amazing game. Anyway do you know the game? if not read it here.

11. Carton Blanket
Do you want to be looked as a tramp? If it is yes, this kind of stuff suits you.

12. Rulered Couple Bed Sheet
Want to measure your distance or your intimate with your mate huh? This bed sheet will fit perfectly to your bed then.

What a beautiful design! I'm personally get impressed by no.5
So Which one impress you the most?


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December 19, 2012 1:47 pm delete

How can I buy the sexy couple blanket?


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