How To Take First Step in Reaching Your Dream?

Saturday, August 06, 2011 0 Comments A+ a-

Everyone has their respective strengths, but do everyone realize that? No.
Everyone has dreams, but do everyone trying to make it happen? No.
Everyone wants to succeed, but do everyone trying to make a move? No

No one ever thought Mount Everest can be climbed till Edmund Hillary did.
No one ever thought man can fly till till Orville & Wilbur Wright found a device called an airplane.
And Justin Bieber won't be like now if he wasn't posting videos on Youtube.

All of achievement is started from a dream.

What are the factors that most often prevent a person to achieve his dream? It's "Taking the first step". Because of how heavy of taking the first step, they automatically make a mental block for themselves by limiting their own ability. Statements such as:

1. I'll waiting for the right time to start moving.
2. I'll wait until I've a good skill.
3. I do not know where to start.
4. I won't be able to, it is too hard for me.

are examples of statements that hinders a person in walking. Yet the fact is:

1. Time will never get right because if you get used to wait, you'll always find an alibi that prevents you to move.

2. A good skill is actually can be acquired through learning when we move forward. As the saying goes, "experience is the best teacher". Would you be good in playing musical instruments just by reading books? No, right?

3. You can start to take your first step by seeking for information, conduct a research and then start making plans. Yes, the best step to start something is to plan and start executing the plan one by one. Do not be confused!

4. The belief of "I am not able to..." is a mental block that you have to get rid of, because by thinking failure will limit your creativity. One thing you must realize is that everyone who is doing something for the first time would be always difficult. But from the difficulty you can learn a lot. People who are struggling to overcome the difficulties will be a creative person.

The conclusion of the 4 points above are, you have to start moving now. Do not even get stuck in your dreams only. How to take the first step to transform your dream into reality?

1. Make plan and preparation to reach your dreams
Planning and good preparation will help your journey. Are you able to climb Mount Everest just to bring a piece of bread? By failing to prepare, you're preparing to fail.

2. Do it now
Take one step at a time. Although the dream is very big, you better realize the small things in advance so you are not overwhelmed. Since this is your first time, you will certainly find a lot of trouble and make mistakes. Learn from your mistakes and it would be worth in return.

3. Do it right
Once you learn your mistake, then you must fix it by doing it right. Try not to repeat the mistake for the second times.

4. Do it better
When you are able to do it right, then the next step is to improve quality and innovate to create something better.

If you've done all four of the above, then you've just taken the first step, the next step would be easier and you had already been on the right track to success. Remember! Plan it now, Do it now, Do it right, Do it better.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" - Lao Tzu

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