This is How Amazing When Ant fight with Spider [VIDEO]

Thursday, July 14, 2011 0 Comments A+ a-

Okay guys let's see the amazing video when this spiders fighting with an ant. The ending is amazing.

Ant vs Spider Fight with a Surprise Ending

Have you see the ending?

The ant is already tied up with spider's web but he try to get rid out from it. Finally the ant got help from the bigger spider who seems kind and so the ant is safe.

Actually it has moral lesson which we can learn from, so the moral conclusion is:

1. Persistence
Don't too hurry to surrender because failure is just one step closer to the success and it can be achieved only through persistence, of which it's similar to that ant who try to get rid out from the spider's web.

2. Be humble
In this context, it means don't always think you're higher than anyone else cause we human are created, formed with different skill, ability that we excel in so there will be always a weaknesses and the important thing is how we handle out those weaknesses.

Okay that's it. I hope it's useful :)

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