5 Easy Ways to Detoxify Nicotine After You Quit Smoking

Sunday, June 12, 2011 0 Comments A+ a-

Smoking is already known to most people as an unhealthy habit because it dispatch many addictive substances and toxins into the body. Smoking also create an air pollution that can cause a person's health deteriorate over time. Carbon monoxide and tar in cigarettes can damage the human body.

Carbon monoxide can damage healthy cells by preventing oxygen which has a role to fill and heal. The tar in cigarettes can coat the lungs, making people more susceptible to respiratory diseases like emphysema and bronchitis.

Not only smokers, this danger also applies to those who are frequently exposed to cigarette's smoke. Want to cleanse yourself from nicotine's exposure? Here's how:

1. First, if you smoke then stop it

When you are serious about detoxifying your body from nicotine's toxins, you should consider all means necessary to stop smoking. There are several ways to stop smoking, can be through therapy, gum, or hypnosis.

2. Drink plenty of water

This will help to remove toxins and nicotine that had accumulated in your body after years of smoking.

3. Eat foods which rich in fiber to cleanse the stomach and digestive system

Nicotine may have weakened the excretory system which is responsible to remove waste from the body. Eating fibered foods will allow you to have regular bowel movements that will cleanse the body's metabolic system.

4. Maintaining a healthy diet including plenty of fruits, vegetables, grains and foods that rich in antioxidant such as berries

You have to avoid alcohol, soda, caffeine and fried foods. Eating foods which rich in antioxidants and nutrients will help you in repairing the damaged cell caused by carbon monoxide in cigarettes.

5. Strengthen the lungs by doing breathing exercises every day

Sit in a quiet and comfortable places. Make your body as relax as possible and breathe deeply through your nose then exhale through the mouth for about 5-10 minutes.

I hope that's will help for you're all who want to detoxify after stopped smoking.

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