10 Achievement of Technology and Science that We are All Waiting

Friday, October 01, 2010 0 Comments A+ a-

As far we know science has developed rapidly in recent time. And because there is only thing that remains a mystery and attract our attention, humans continue to innovate within it. This list describes the achievement of technology that might be realized in the near future:

10. DNA Based Computer

DNA is a substance used by living organisms for storing information and what makes it unique is it's efficiency is very high at storage eventhough in limited space. One milligram of DNA alone is estimated to accommodate all printed materials around the world. But this is all still a common discourse, and prototypes such as the MAYA-II could only demonstrate the concept. But if this can be achieve, the computer is expected to store information in much greater quantities than at present. Maybe in future we can store our iPod containing thousands of HD movies.

9. Human Colony on The Moon

Discourse on this subject is quite long and possible to be manifested. But with the technical and economical reasons, is always delayed. The plan is NASA will make it happen in 2024, Europe in 2025, and Japan and India in 2030. The constraint is lie on the fund, many party argue this is only a waste of money.

8. Head Transplant

This one is very controversial. The concept is to transplant the patient's head with the body of the donor, until blood could be circulated again. Theoretically, any disease entity owned by the patient will be lost, due to the new body. The Drawback is that the reform and coordination in spinal system, which if ignored, will make the patient paralyzed. This experiment has been successful on other living organisms, such as rats and guinea pigs. While the crazy ideas will be if it is combined with the concept of cloning, someone can kill the clone itself only to perform the procedure.

7. Green Energy

Actually, the technology already exists, and it is common to hear such as wind, wave, solar cells etc. What we are waiting for is their application where it is hindered by the political policy of the producer countries and users of renewable energy, industrial and large corporations based on fossil fuels.

6. Healing Cancer

Cancer has many kinds, and many of them do not have the cure. The Research for the treatment still takes time due to many different types of cancer. This problem is serious, and businesses such as drug research, chemicals, embryonic stem cell research, genetically modified viruses, and even the use of arsenic, had been planned as part of the healing procedure.

5. Human's Mission to The Mars

This plan also has been discussed a long time. And if it is achieved, it would be a great achievement of man in space studies. The procedure is roughly equal to the Moon, but more difficult. Distance traveled is hundreds times more distant and the atmosphere is also needs to be taken into account. NASA itself planned this would be achieved in 2030.

4. Space Elevator

Construction is not as hard as thought, because the central point mass of this structure is in the orbit of the earth. And the route will be connected with the space station in geostationary orbit. The journey into space will be more efficient with this, no need to drive large fueled propulsion. The only constraint is the construction materials which must be very strong, such as isotopes of carbon and it requires the production in large numbers. But a private company called LifPort Group has discussed it's construction in 2031.

3. Theory of Everything

This is a major quest of physicists. Colleagues who had learnt fismod also definitely interested in this one. The concept is a unification of all the formula of style and power that exist in the universe into a single postulate. Generally, we believe the speculation that all events in this universe is the result of the resultant of one main force. However, today we still define it into the four fundamental forces: electromagnetic, weak nuclear, strong nuclear, and gravity. There has been a theory that combines the electromagnetic and weak nuclear. However, TOE is planned to cover everything.

Pre-theory already exist, such as string theory (string theory) that conceptualize the basis of event, combining general relativity and quantum mechanics. TOE itself is named so because of the fact that it unites all the physical phenomena. However even if this theory is obtained, not necessarily all the other mysteries of the universe can be solved.

2. Nano Scale Treatment

Nanotechnology is often we hear but it is expected the application of this technology can be integrated with the medical field. Literally, there is no end. The molecules can be made to destroy the cell or the particular substance. Or even microscopic scale robots can be relied upon to perform surgery with high precision, revamping the cell body or to hunt for diseases caused by certain bacteria or viruses. Achieving this will be a major breakthrough in the medical world.

1. Journey to The Core of The Earth

Since the first predicted that humans will reach the core of the earth first, before getting to the moon. This process itself will be very difficult, given the pressure from all people over the world. There is no substance that can hold the pressure so great, even though carbon isotopes. Until now, the deepest man-made hole reached only 0.2% of the total journey to the core of the earth. The interior of the earth itself contains energy that almost countless. But it seems we still have to wait longer time to achieve it.

How's that ? Sound cool right? However technology is difficult to predict.

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