20 Unique Creative Coin Banks [PICS]
Are you bore with your current coin bank? If yes, These might help as they are the collection of cool creative and unique coin bank. The coin bank below is very different compared to the conventional coin bank which you can find in the market easily. I'm sure this would be a whole lot more fun than putting your money into the jar. Saving was never so much fun but with the unique coin banks below saving would be fun.
1. Alarm Clock Piggy Bank
There is timer set in, the only way to turn off is by putting your money in.
2. Bottle Top Coin Bank
Screw the counter on the top of the bottle and whenever you put the coin in, the counter will start counting but sadly it counts only the coin pass through the device. It would be a problem when you putting a variable coin value.
3. Clock Money Box
It behaves as same as conventional clock but with the feature of storing coin.
4. Coin Lamp
It is like prepaid service so whenever you put your coins in, the light will be on.
5. Compulsory Addition Bank
So what you guess? It has a rebellious look, yet indeed it has rebellious behaviour. It will wait you to add coins into it every day but if you fail to fulfill, all the stored coins will be spilt.
6. Credit Card Saving Bank
This kind of stuff look weird to me. However the concept is you can deposit a present amount of money to your bank account by swiping your credit card throught the card reader while the software will do the rest.
7. Darth Vader Coin Bank
It's suitable for Star Wars fans. :)
8. Digital Counting Money Jar
This smart jar counts the value of every coin you put in and display them on the screen.
9. Emergency Money Box
The shape is as same as those fire alarm glass but without alarm. The only way to draw the coins is by breaking the glass.
10. Fill'er up Coin Bank
It's simple to use and notice. When the box is full of coins the hands will go to 'F', it works as same as those fuel gauge.
11. Glass Piggy Bank
It's a pig shaped transparant coin bank. Open the pig's nose cork if you want to retrieve money.
12. Golden Egg Coin Bank
Golden egg coin bank made of porcelain is inspired from fable 'Goose with The Golden Egg'.
13. Hand Grenade Coin Bank
Grenade shaped coin bank is designed by taiwanese designer.
14. Mario Block Coin Bank
It is also created through inspiration from Mario Bross video game.
15. Money Rolls Coin Bank
It just to impress the saver by it's look. The coin rolls into the curly pipe and stored.
16. Money Savvy Coin Bank
This coin bank is kind of unique from others, I mean its functionality. The coin bank is divided into 4 sections save, spend, donate and invest. Each section has it's own hole.
17. Recession Piggy Bank
From it's name we can get the meaning isn't it? The piggy bank will grow thinner if you don't feed him with coin and will grow fat if you regularly feed him with coin. :D
18. Spend/Save Coin Bank
What do you guess? I guess you will say it is as same as those money savvy coin bank in no.18. But it's totally different, this coin bank's works by taking your coin either in 'spend' section or 'save' section so it is done randomly. :)
19. Torpedo Shaped Coin Bank
No matter what name you call for this coin bank but I'll call it Torpedo Shaped Coin Bank. However it is similar to the nuke named 'little boy' dropped by America in Hiroshima. It is made of ceramic and if you want to retrieve your money, you can do it in your own way perhaps in the way America dropped his 'little boy'. :D
20. Transparant Display Coin Bank
If your prefer to enjoy the panorama of your coins saved in the coin bank, this stuff will suit you well. The dimension is 14" x 14" x 60".
Okay it comes to the end of the post. It seems I'm in a mood of asking question to the reader so I would like to ask few questions (not much :D). Which coin bank you like? and why you like it?
For me, I like no.4, 11, 15, 19 and 20.
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