The World First Sex Robot 'Roxxy' [VIDEO]

Monday, September 20, 2010 0 Comments A+ a-

What is new in 2010? There are a lot of things new but the interesting might be Roxxxy, a beautiful woman robot-shaped who can provide sexual services to men. With the same basic functions such as Sex Dolls which is currently available, but Roxxxy is much more sophisticated because her body is planted with hard drive, Wi-Fi and other devices so that Roxxxy can interact with the owner.

Roxxxy is built by New Jersey based company TrueCompanion. The founder, president and engineer is Douglas Hines who worked as Artificial Intelligence Engineer at the Bell labs before he founded TrueCompanion. The development cost of Roxxxy is estimated U.S.$ 1 million.

Roxxxy True Companion Sex Robot Personality Demonstration

Here are some features in Roxxxy:
- Able to communicate either hear or speak
- Feeling your touch
- Can "orgasm"
- Have the AI (Artificial Intelligence) program, which allowed her to learn about what you liked and disliked.
- Issued in five characteristic which can be selected:
1. Frigrid Farah: a little shy.
2. Wild Wendy: sociable and adventurist (novelty seeking).
3. S&M Susan: Ready for doing any kind of fantasy.
4. Young: age 18 years and ready to be taught in any way.
5. Mature Martha: Experienced and ready to teach you.

Besides above Roxxxy can be customized according to customer preference, starting from hair color, eye color, skin color, breast size and other features. So what's your take? Interested? Roxxxy will be sold starting at U.S.$ 7,000.

So Which one you choose?

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